Old boat ramp was broken and unusable. Low lake level makes this a perfect time for repair.
The plan calls for breaking up the old concrete and using the rubble as fill for the new ramp.
Demolition just about finished!
Base prep and grading underway.
The two trenches on either side of the old ramp are for the new footings. The footings will be reinforced and will extend down into the lake bottom to help prevent future undermining.
Concrete forms being set.
Getting ready to pour.
It's finally "concrete day!"
Pouring complete.
View from dock. Notice the sloped end of the ramp (nearest camera) that meets the lake bottom. This should prevent trailer wheels from falling off the end of the ramp as was the case with the old ramp.

This photo was taken on March 21, 2012 after we received several inches of rain. This put the water level of Lake Palestine at about 1.5 feet from being totally full!

Lake Palestine is full! The water level on April 4, 2012 is about as high as it will get thanks to a recent 1.3 inch rainfall. There should be no problem launching your boat now!